October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Write For Us

Hello there, Are you a writer and looking for a platform to showcase your writing skills? Do you want to publish your article on a genuine website?

If yes, then congrats you open the right page.

Sadipoetry.com is a general blogging website in which we publish content related to various categories and also provide opportunities for writers to feature their write-ups on our platform.

Sadipoetry.com believes in diversity and provides the opportunity to writers to introduce themselves via our platform.

If you are passionate about writing and want to work with Sadipoetry.com’s team then you can write a guest post for us.

For successful submission and publication of articles in Sadipoetry.com, guest writers need to follow certain guidelines that are mentioned below.

About Sadipoetry.com and the type of content, we publish:

As we mentioned that Sadipoetry.com is a general blogging website and we provide content related to multiple categories to our readers so that they won’t require to surf much to get desirable information.

Before publishing any content, our quality control team ensures that the article is fulfilling all the merits (mentioned on this page after the same paras).

Readers require authentic information only and they trust a platform after testing it thoroughly. Gaining the trust of readers is hard but one bad/unauthentic piece of information can fade away the platform’s reputation.

That’s why quality and authenticity are a must to publish a guest on Sadipoetry.com.

Content categories in which we frequently publish articles:

We cover several content categories except for illegal and adult ones. As a guest writer, you can write articles in any category mentioned below. 

We frequently publish articles in almost all categories so there is no specific rule for any content category. 

The list of prominent content categories in which we publish content most frequently is given below:

  • Finance
  • Politics
  • News
  • Technology
  • Fashion
  • Health
  • Sports
  • Poetic
  • Current affairs
  • Entertainment
  • Gaming
  • Reviews

If you write content in any other category mentioned which is not mentioned above then you just need to communicate your article topic and its category for validation.

Our team will respond to you as soon as possible and then you can start writing your content. The typical response time is between 24 to 48 hours.

Guidelines which every writer shall follow to publish their content on our website:

There are certain guidelines which every author needs to follow irrespective of their content category to get published their article in Sadipoetry.com.

They are given below:

Write original content only: 

Do you like to read the same content repetitively on different platforms?  

Readers also don’t like to read the same content on different platforms which they have already read somewhere else.

Most of us open an article to find something new and to read something interesting and helpful.

When you copy content from other sources and present it in your article as your own piece of content, then you lose the credibility and trust of readers.

Sadipoetry.com promotes original and unique content only. Our quality team ensures that content is plagiarism free before publishing it on Sadipoetry.com.

If your content hit plagiarism and our team found it duplicates then your post will be rejected.

Follow SEO guidelines: 

We publish content on the internet via websites so that readers can access and read it. All things like websites, articles, blogs, etc. are made visible to the readers by search engines.

Search engines have a set of guidelines which everyone needs to follow and implement in their content.

They are like the internet’s regulations which you have to follow otherwise, you will hit the penalty or your website will be banned/deleted by the search engines.

So, you can understand how crucial these guidelines are.

You would require to follow updated search engine guidelines while writing the content to avoid rejection by our quality team.

Image addition: 

Ever feel bored while reading articles/blogs online and want to make your guest post interesting? Do you want to explain a complicated topic via your post in fewer words?

If yes, then image addition becomes a must. When you add suitable images to your write-ups it becomes more interesting and easy to read and understand.

Adding the right images in your write-up compliment it and make a complex topic easy to understand for readers.

A picture can describe thousands of words if rightly placed.

Also, it makes your content SEO friendly.

So, adding one suitable image to your write-up is necessary and the addition of multiple images if required is appreciable.

While choosing an image for your content take care of its source. It shall be copyright free.

Avoid grammar mistakes: 

Grammer is the most important factor in any language. No one expects grammatical mistakes from a writer. Grammer mistakes affect the reading experience and allow readers to think that the content is not authentic.

The best way to avoid grammatical errors is to use simple language that is understandable by most people.

If you think that your language knowledge is not strong and you may make obvious mistakes, then you can take the help of artificial intelligence tools.

Currently, multiple websites fix language errors for you. Some features are free while others are paid.

You can select a plan according to your language efficiency to avoid grammatical errors.

Word limits and external links: 

At sadipoetry.com we generally don’t publish guest posts below 1000 words and the maximum number of words you can write is up to 3000 words in a single blog post.

These limits are in general, if content requires lesser words or higher words you can write accordingly and our team will review it.

We allow a maximum of 2 external links in the author bio section in a single guest post.

The procedure for sending guest blog posts for publishing:

Sending guest posts for publication is one step process. You need to draft an email attaching your post in word format and send it to below mentioned email id.

While sending an email, make sure that you mention proper details in the email like guest posting subject and content category.

Email id: Info@sadipoetry.com